From Bob to Eternity...
We're finally back from being w/ Bob for 2 months. Been back for a week and a half. It was really hard to leave the "Gurus" (Bob & Emma). Being w/ Bob was the most educational experience of my life in some ways. I really tried to incorporate Maybe Logic into my every day experience. Just eliminating words like "never" & "always" is a monumental task in & of itself. Bob told me that the first level of accepting Maybe Logic thinking is going through "Chapel Perilous," & that was somewhat comforting, having a label to put on the utter despair at having my paradigms crumble like so much dust... (The next level is trying to correct other people's dogmatic thinking.) The 3rd level is Acceptance & a sense of awe & wonder that "anything & everything is possible." Ahhh, that's more like it. And, it's just in time too, since we've got a mountain of books to put into the data base & up on shelves. (Not to mention the thousand & one books we brought back from all those most excellent book sales from CA! ) We missed the summer here in the Driftless, but we made it back in time to see all the fabulous colours of Fall here. And, anyway, I wouldn't have passed up the opportunity to be w/ Bob for anything in the world. Praise Bob! Hail Eris! (- the photo is from Bob's bathroom...)
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